李平 研究员(赣江院)
李平,男,博士,中科院研究员。2009年毕业于中科院过程所,2016-2017年美国西北太平洋国家实验室访问学者。2019年入选中国化工学会无机酸碱盐协会铬盐专家组,2021年入选江西省双千计划。主要从事共伴生战略金属资源清洁高效利用方向研究,致力于研发铝聚合水解共性关键技术与装备,铬、钒、稀土等战略金属与共伴生资源清洁分离与高值利用等新方法新技术。主持或参加国家“863”,国家重点研发计划,国家自然科学基金面上、地区和青年以及企业科技委托攻关项目近20项。在Green. Chem., Environ. Sci. Technol, ACS Sus. Chem. Eng., J. Hazard. Mater.等主流刊物上发表论文60余篇,SCI收录40余篇。申请授权发明专利近40项。先后主持建成七万吨级铬化工铝钒同步分离与利用等资源清洁高效利用装置,产生良好经济和社会效益。
1.Ping Li, Shili Zheng, Penghui Qing, Yongan Chen, Yi Zhang. The vanadate adsorption on a mesoporous boehmite and its cleaner production application of chromate. Green Chemistry, 2014, 16: 4214-4222.
2.Ping Li, Hong-Bin Xu, Shi-Li Zheng, Yi Zhang, Zuo-Hu Li, Yu-Lan Bai. A green process to prepare chromic oxide green pigment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42: 7231-7235.
3.Ping Li, Liu Chuang, Li Zhang, Shili Zheng, Yi Zhang. Enhanced boron adsorption onto synthesized MgO nanosheets by ultrasonic method. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017, 34: 938-946.
4.Hailin Zhang, Ping Li*, Zheming Wang, Xin Zhang, Shili Zheng, and Yi Zhang. In situ Synthesis of γ-AlOOH and synchronous adsorption separation of V(V) from highly concentrated Cr(VI) multiplex complex solutions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5: 6674-6681.
5.Hongyan Wang, Kai Huang, Yang Zhang, Xin Chen, Wei Jin, Shili Zheng, Yi Zhang, Ping Li*. Recovery of lithium, nickel and cobalt from spent lithium-ion batteries powders by selective ammonia leaching and adsorption separation system. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017, 5: 11489-11495.
6.Hailin Zhang, Ping Li*, Zheming Wang, WenWen Cui, Shulei Wang, Shili Zheng and Yi Zhang. Sustainable disposal of Cr(VI): adsorption-reduction strategy for treating textile wastewaters with amino-functionalized boehmite hazardous solid wastes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6: 6811–6819.
7.Shulei Wang, Shili Zheng, Zheming Wang, Wenwen Cui, Hailin Zhang, Liangrong Yang, Ping Li*. Superior lithium adsorption and required magnetic separation behavior of iron-doped lithium ion-sieve. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 332: 160-168.
8.WenWen Cui, Ping Li*, Zheming Wang, Shili Zheng, and Yi Zhang. Adsorption study of selenium ions from aqueous solution using MgO nanosheets synthesized by ultrasonication method. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 341:268-276.
9.Wenjing Zhang, Ping Li*, Hongbin Xu, Yi Zhang. Thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate in the presence of Al(OH)3Cr(OH)3 nanoparticles. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 28: 273-280.
10.Wenwen Cui, Xin Zhang,* Carolyn Pearce, Ying Chen, Shuai Zhang, Wen Liu, Mark Engelhard, Meirong Zong, Hailin Zhang, Sihua Zhu, Steve Heald, Micah Prange, De Yoreo James, Shili Zheng, Clark Sue, Ping Li*, Zheming Wang*, Kevin Rosso*. Cr(III) adsorption by cluster formation on boehmite nanoparticles in highly alkaline solution. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019,5318:11043-11055.