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        李庭刚 研究员







李庭刚,研究员,博士生导师。2008年获中国科学院生态环境研究中心博士学位,2006-2008年在新加坡南洋理工大学进行博士联合培养,2008-2010年在中国科学院生态环境研究中心任助理研究员,2010-2019在新加坡国立大学从事研究工作,2019年引进回国加入中国科学院过程工程研究所,组建环境生物技术课题组。主要从事环境生物处理与资源能源化技术及应用研究,主要包括污染物定向生物转化、高盐有机废水处理与资源化、土壤-地下水修复、可再生生物能源制造与基因组学、环境功能材料应用与开发。承担及参与了国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目课题、中国科学院、稀土产业基金和企业委托等多项科研项目。近年来在Science Advances, Biotechnology for Biofuels, Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Renewable Energy等主流学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,申请和授权发明专利10余项。兼任巴塞尔公约亚太区中心化学品和废物环境管理智库专家、Membrane期刊客座编辑、Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health期刊编委等。


1. Shi S., Teng Z., Liu J*., Li T. G*. Conversion of waste cooking oil to rhamnolipid by a newly oleophylic Pseudomonas aeruginosa WO2. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19: 1700.

2. Teng Z. D., Zhao X., Yuan J., Li M*., Li T. G*. Phosphate functionalized iron based nanomaterials coupled with phosphate solubilizing bacteria as an efficient remediation system to enhance lead passivation in soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 419: 126433

3. Li T. G*., Liu J. X*. Factors affecting performance and functional stratification of membrane-aerated biofilms with a counter-diffusion configuration. RSC Advances 2019, 9: 29337–29346.

4. Li T. G., Zhang C., Yang K.-L., He J*. Unique genetic cassettes in a Thermoanaerobacterium contribute to simultaneous conversion of cellulose and monosugars into butanol. Science Advances 2018, 4: e1701475.

5. Li T. G*., Liu J. X*. Rapid formation of biofilm grown on gas-permeable membrane induced by famine incubation. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2017, 121: 156–162.

6. Li T. G., He J*. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of hemicellulose to butanol by a non-sporulating Clostridium species. Bioresource Technology 2016, 219: 430–438.

7. Li T. G#., Yan Y#., He J*. Enhanced direct fermentation of cassava to butanol by Clostridium species strain BOH3 in cofactor-mediated medium. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2015, 8: 166.

8. Li T. G., Yan Y., He J*. Reducing cofactors contribute to the increase of butanol production by a wild-type Clostridium sp. strain BOH3. Bioresource Technology 2014, 155: 220–228.

9. Li T. G., Liu J. X., Bai R. B*., Wong F.S. Membrane-aerated biofilm reactor for the treatment of acetonitrile wastewater. Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42: 2099–2104.

10. Li T. G., Bai R. B., Liu J. X*. Distribution and composition of extracellular polymeric substances in membrane-aerated biofilm. Journal of Biotechnology 2008, 135: 52–57.
