
             孟凡成    副研究员







孟凡成,副研究员,硕士士生导师,主要从事钒钛资源清洁利用与产品高值化、化工分离过程等应用基础研究工作。20117月获得中国矿业大学(北京)学士学位,20171月获中国科学院大学博士学位(师从齐涛研究员,培养单位过程工程研究所),同年至中科院过程工程研究所工作。在国家重点研发计划、自然科学基金等资助下,创新不同碱法体系中钛酸钠结构转化共性规律和调控方法,突破二氧化碳驱动钒酸钠形态转化与碱介质再生分离耦合关键技术,开发/优化钒钛高效萃取分离和结晶分离体系,研制钒电池电解液等高纯产品,已实现钒钛磁铁矿等钒钛资源清洁利用与产品高值化相关技术的千吨级中试,正在进行工程化示范。在Hydrometallurgy, Ceramics International等重要刊物发表论文20余篇,以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文共10篇;获授权发明专利3项;入选中科院过程工程研究所青促会会员。


1. Xukun Zhang, Fancheng Meng*, Zhaowu Zhu, Desheng Chen, Hongxin Zhao, Yahui Liu, Yulan Zhen, Tao Qi, Shili Zheng, Meng Wang, Lina Wang*. A novel process to prepare high-purity vanadyl sulfate electrolyte from leach liquor of sodium-roasted vanadium slag. Hydrometallurgy, 2021, 105805.

2. Fancheng Meng, Lei Cao, Huan Yang, Yahui Liu, Lina Wang*, Desheng Chen, Hongxin Zhao, Yulan Zhen, Meng Wang, Tao Qi. Determination and Analysis of Solubility of Na3VO4 in Aqueous NaOH Solutions Containing Na2CO3, NaAlO2, or Na2SiO3 at 298.15–353.15 K. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2021, 66, 4, 1574–1581.

3. Fancheng Meng, Yahui Liu, Lina Wang*, Desheng Chen, Hongxin Zhao, Yulan Zhen, Jing Chen, Tao Qi. Vibrational Spectral Analysis of Natisite (Na2TiSiO5) and its Structure Evolution in Water and Sulfuric Acid Solutions. Materials. 2021; 14(9):2259.

4. Fancheng Meng, Yahui Liu*, Lina Wang, Desheng Chen, Hongxin Zhao, Weijing Wang, Tao Qi*, Structural, vibrational, and thermodynamic properties of γ-Na2TiO3: first-principles and experimental studies, Ceramics International, 2018. 44(2): 2065-2073.

5. Fancheng Meng, Tianyan Xue*, Yahui Liu, Weijing Wang, Tao Qi*, Treatment of tionite residue from titanium oxide industry for recovery of TiO2 and removal of silica, Hydrometallurgy, 2016, 161: 112-116.
