
             贾炎    副研究员







贾炎,男,19857月生,副研究员,硕士研究生导师。2013年毕业于中国科学院生态环境研究中心,获博士学位,进入中国科学院过程工程研究所工作。目前主要从事生物冶金原理与技术开发、矿山环境生物技术开发研究工作。研究主要揭示微生物-矿物表面作用机理,生物冶金微生物群落演替及活性调控等,形成硫化铜矿地球化学氧化过程强化、生物堆浸过程微生物调控、生物堆浸过程多因素耦合、生物堆浸酸铁平衡等技术;研究揭示矿山环境铁硫氧化/还原微生物竞争机制,形成酸性废水源头治理的理论基础和技术。与大型生物冶金企业开展技术合作,相关技术随“一带一路”成功产业化应用于如亚洲最大蒙育瓦铜矿生物堆浸项目等。主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院重点研发项目子课题、大中型企业技术开发合作项目等10余项,参与国家自然科学基金、中国科学院国际合作项目、大中型企业技术开发合作项目等多项。担任多个期刊杂志审稿人。已经累计发表论文50余篇,30余篇被SCI收录,引用1300余次;申请国家发明专利17项,PCT专利1项,软件著作权1项,专利菌株3株。曾获“Unilever-CAS Research award“Chemicals in the environment”奖,中国兵器工业集团有限公司科学技术进步奖二等奖(排名第二)、三等奖(排名第一)各一项。


1. Jia Y., Sun H.Y., Tan Q.Y., Xu J.Y., Feng X.L., Ruan R.M., 2021. Industrial heap bioleaching of copper sulfide ore started with only water irrigation. Minerals, 11(11), 1299-1314

2. Aung K.P., Jia, Y.*, Tan, Q.Y., Sun, H.Y., Liu, Y.F., Dong, B.X., Ruan, R.M., 2020. Competitive growth of sulfate-Reducing bacteria with bioleaching acidophiles for bioremediation of heap bioleaching residue. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(8), 2715.

3. Jia, Y., Sun, H.Y., Tan, Q.Y., Gao, H.S., Feng, X.L., Ruan, R.M., 2018. Linking leach chemistry and microbiology of low-grade copper ore bioleaching at different temperatures. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 25, 271-279

4. Jia, Y., Tan, Q., Sun, H., Zhang, Y.P., Gao, H.S., Ruan, R.M., 2019. Sulfide mineral dissolution microbes: community structure and function in industrial bioleaching heaps. Green Energy & Environment, 4, 29-37.

5. Jia, Y., Sun, H.Y., Chen, D.F., Gao, H.S., Ruan, R.M., 2016. Characterization of microbial community in industrial bioleaching heap of copper sulfide ore at Monywa mine, Myanmar. Hydrometallurgy, 164: 355–361.

6. Jia, Y., Bao, P., Zhu, Y.G., 2015. Arsenic bioavailability to rice plant in paddy soil: influence of microbial sulfate reduction. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(9): 1960-1967.

7. Jia, Y., Huang, H, Zhong, M., Wang, F.H., Zhang, L.M., Zhu, Y.G., 2013.Microbial arsenic methylation in soil and rice rhizosphere. Environmental Science and Technology, 47 (7): 3141–3148.

8. Jia, Y., Sun, G.X., Huang, H., Zhu, Y.G., 2013. Biogas slurry application elevated arsenic accumulation in rice plant through increased arsenic release and methylation in paddy soil. Plant and Soil, 365: 387-396.

9. Jia, Y., Huang, H., Sun, G.X., Zhao, F.J., Zhu, Y.G., 2012. Pathways and relative contributions to arsenic volatilization from rice plants and paddy soil. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(15): 8090-8096.

10. Jia, Y., Huang, H., Chen, Z., Zhu, Y.G., 2014. Arsenic Uptake by Rice Is Influenced by Microbe-Mediated Arsenic Redox Changes in the Rhizosphere. Environmental Science and Technology, 48: 1001-1007.

11. Huang, H., Jia, Y., Sun, G.X., Zhu, Y.G., 2012. Arsenic speciation and volatilization from flooded paddy soils amended with different organic matters. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(4): 2163–2168. (共同第一作者)

12. Di, X., Beesley, L., Zhang, Z., Zhi, S., Jia, Y.*, Ding, Y., 2019. Microbial Arsenic Methylation in Soil and Uptake and Metabolism of Methylated Arsenic in Plants: A Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16: 5012.
